A chat with a cake 😋

“I’m Willy,” she said with a radiant smile. “Hello, I’m Mirjam, so nice to meet you!” was my enthusiastic reply. We sit together at the table, and I slice a piece of cake for her while the tea water slowly begins to boil. It’s Loneliness Awareness Week, and one of our clients has a fantastic initiative that I’m eager to participate in: consciously seeking out a stranger and having a chat. And everyone should do that at least once in their life!

Because you know what’s beautiful about those encounters? You realize that everyone sees the world in a different way. And when you understand what goes on in the minds of different people, you’re less likely to judge. This, in turn, encourages people to open up more, fostering connections with others. It creates a sense of safety, appreciation, and support: things that make life worthwhile.


Because you know what’s beautiful about those encounters? You realize that everyone sees the world in a different way.


You also reap the benefits of this in your work. Being open-minded means asking questions and actively seeking information. It also leads to new ideas, arguments, and different perspectives. This allows you to form a critical and rational judgment. And that contributes to your personal growth, making you feel mentally stronger and more empowered. How beautiful is that?!

It’s not easy, though. Experience, upbringing, and personality influence your way of thinking. But it can be learned. Processes like assimilation (adaptation) and confirmation bias can be adjusted. For example, by visiting an elderly person, or by delving into different views, cultures, perspectives, and ideas. For inspiration, take a look at these initiatives or books.

In short: defeat your prejudices and keep asking yourself questions! Like Willy and I bombarded each other with questions. I’ll never forget her expression when she talked about her late husband. Just like our selfies! The best one, thanks to the kind volunteer coordinator, gets a spot in her room. She proudly shows it to me before I take her to the group. We can smell that preparations for lunch are in full swing. We exchange smiles… “I’ll eat a little less today,” she says, affectionately. 🥰







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